
  • Training is crucial for the high-tech shipping industry

    As ships are impressive, precious achievements of technology and automation, shipowners will not entrust their vessels to anyone, but highly-qualified personnel.

    People seeking maritime employment must receive suitable training in accordance with international standards. Moreover, continuous on the job training is needed to keep up with the ongoing automation trends and the ever more demanding international regulations on safety, protection, the environment, etc.

    A maritime career is an attractive and opportunity rich prospect, because:

    • The job is performed in a multicultural environment.The days when crews on Belgian flag vessels were Belgian-only have long gone. Today one works and lives with people of all nationalities.
    • Sailing periods alternate with long vacations.
    • The wage package is attractive.

    Preserving the knowledge and experience in the shipping sector is a challenge

    In the course of their training and career, seafarers acquire much experience. Belgium’s maritime industry definitely has a vested interest in preserving such knowhow.

    Both the Flag State maritime authorities and the port authorities, as well as classification societies, shipowners, agents, etc. very much want to recruit former seafarers.

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